Our Story:

LOOP is: An intergenerational unschooling ecosystem.

Birthed from the rejection of traditional systems the limit, confine and oppress, LOOP began in 2020, shortly after the murder of George Floyd. Several families had been at various points of their self-directed education paths at a local “school”. The passing of Floyd brought up an opportunity for growth, and the school community decided against making a statement of support. That lead several families to leave and begin to reimagine what love and caring looked like within a setting of learning. There were many aspects of the previous school that were enjoyable, so we took what worked, and left what didn’t. Covid took hold of the world, and forced the group to “pod together” as we figured life out. Being forced to slow down, focus on basal needs, and think about how we interact with one another allowed LOOP to form organically.

Coming out of the pandemic, LOOP exists on the foundation of intergenerational lifelong learning. Understanding that learning looks different for everyone, at different times, we’ve created a big enough “container” to support our community in the ways they grow best. Part self-directed education. Some agile learning center. A bit of Sudbury. A dash of flying squad. Lots of coworking. All supportive.

We play together. A lot. We believe unstructured play is beneficial for growing minds (and already “grown” minds). We believe in the power of intergenerational interaction. Adults work, when possible, next to children. Sometimes its the same activity. Sometimes everyone is doing their own thing and people can bop around and be curious about what each other is doing. The energy, curiosity, questions this generates fosters new ideas and learning.

We don’t believe in tests, grades, or grade levels. We do believe in trusting all individuals to know what they need; especially when they’re supported enough to explore.

Start Here:


The people, podcasts, books, articles, and other resources to help you understand the concepts we've incorporated into what we are.


A shared/common language is critical to community. If there are terms you're unsure of being used here, click below to see how we use them.


You have questions. We did, too. These are just some of the questions that come up most often when we talk about LOOP.

Who We Are:

Self-Directed Learning Center: Self-directed education is defined as “education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the learner” (Alliance for Self-Directed Education). All people engage in self-directed education at times, whether they are in public school, private school, home school, or well past school aged. When we are interested and engaged with a subject we are intrinsically motivated to learn about it and will actively seek out information and experiences to educate ourselves. Many areas of interest and learning fall beyond what is traditionally offered in schools, and this is where our Learning Center can fill gaps and inspire further exploration.

The Learning Center will be a beneficial resource for community members, whether they are school-aged kids in public/private schools or home-schooled, in college, or beyond any formal learning. We seek to provide intergenerational real-life experiences and classes as well as open-ended materials so that community members can learn and explore a wide variety of topics.

The Learning Center will include quality playroom spaces, an outdoor adventure playground for younger kids, and tech spaces and programs for virtual-learning and tutoring. All learning spaces will be staffed by adults who are knowledgeable about asking open-ended questions and engaging in play in a way that encourages the intrinsic inquiry process. Some examples of community classes that may be offered are: health literacy, communication, computer programming, cooking, woodworking, life-skills, social justice activism, community organizing, and many others. These classes will be offered both by our partner organizations and by community members themselves. Ultimately, we aim to create an accessible and inclusive community resource center, help our children learn and grow, and better our communities

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A Day With LOOP:

As an intergenerational community, our days rarely look the same. We create space for everyone to get what they need while feeling supported. Our Flying Squad Days are used to engage new members, so reach out if you have any questions, or are interested in seeing what we’re about.

Why Choose Us

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A short description of the benefit.

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A short description of the benefit.

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A short description of the benefit.

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A short description of the benefit.

Community Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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