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LOOP Cooperative
Living Outside Our Parameters
LOOP Cooperative is a collective of individuals, families, and organizations with the desire to empower their young people (and themselves) with self-awareness, body autonomy, radical honesty and listening. We operate with a focus on self-directed education and “unschooling” so that our individual and collective passions, interests, and needs guide our learning. Within this foundation, LOOP commits to the journey to be anti-biased, as individuals and a community, and prioritizes diversity.
Not just another "School"
Self-Directed Learning
Learner-lead education ensures individual and collective passions, interests and wants are met.
Intergenerational Learning
Parents and adult members explore passions alongside young learners to get the full benefits of the activity.
Building Community
Focus on community-building, both internally and extending to the surrounding neighborhoods.
"Flying Squad" Model
LOOP goes mobile, venturing to places and spaces the group decides, and encourages those interested join us for the day.
Empowering Learners Through
Self-Directed Education
Self-directed education can include organized classes or lessons, if freely chosen by the learner; but most self-directed education is more informal and part of everyday life. Play, trying something new, having lunch with a friend, reading science fiction on the subway: there’s learning in all these endeavors, and in Self-Directed Education, as long as the learner is making their own choices that learning is granted as much value and space as more formal pursuits. The motivating forces that make all of us learners include curiosity, playfulness, and sociability. Self-directed education necessarily leads different individuals along different paths, though the paths may often overlap, as each person’s interests and goals in life are in some ways unique and in some ways shared by others.

“Education is a whole-person, whole-life, experiential process.”

Building Community Together
seven days a week
LOOP Cooperative exists outside of the traditional school year, and typical school week. We do our best to meet the needs and availability of every member. While we do meet during business hours during the week, we also craft programming for weekends and evenings so all who want to, can participate fully.